Memorial Day - 2018

So many stories fill my mind on this day. My Mother and Grandparents being pulled out of Cuba in the late 50's when Eisenhower evacuated military families following Castro's takeover; My Father's service in the late 60's during the Vietnam war; and the time I spent as a kid in the 70's on military bases in Commissaries with my Grandmother.

The most interesting story is that of Claiborne Kyle; a man of Irish descent who became a Senator from Texas in the mid 1800's. He sent 5 sons to the Civil War to fight for the Confederacy with the 8th Texas Cavalry. A historical figure who although married, had his way with a Native-American slave who bore a son named Great-Great-Great Grandfather. As a person of color, I always found that fact ironic...that my Father and Grandfather served our country in historic times with the purpose of preserving freedom, while earlier in my lineage I have descendants that fought hard against it...on the battlefield and in political office; all under the idea of patriotic service to this country.

My conclusion...mine is a uniquely American story; one that is likely the tale of many of our lineages; regardless of current complexion, whether we know it or not. To quote from the poem "Human Family" by Dr. Maya Angelou, "I note the obvious differences between each sort and type; but we are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike." I wish you a thoughtful and inclusive Memorial Day. 🙏🏾

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